Hemp Voices: Tim Callahan, Callahan Home Designs
Tim Callahan, founder and principal of Callahan Home Designs, Asheville, NC.
I work with clients from across the country as a hempcrete design consultant and developer of turnkey hempcrete residential designs.
Hemp and hempcrete are only one, albeit critical, component of an intelligently orchestrated design. Having said that, the dynamic properties of hemp-lime are uniquely suited to address issues of thermal conductivity, fire safety, mold, sound reduction and carbon sequestration. The embodiment of these attributes in a monolithic infill allows for the creation of durable, energy-effective and low-carbon buildings.
On a more visceral level, my work with hempcrete has allowed me to explore and fulfill designs that are deeply satisfying aesthetically. Most people that are drawn to using this material are not the “typical” design clients, and the opportunity to partner with them in the creation of their homes is a distinct privilege.
What was a win for your company in the past year?
There are several, but one was a win for all of us -- the adoption of Appendix BL in the 2024 Residential Code. My deepest thanks to all of the people that worked to make that a reality.
We are also very excited to be working on a project which we’ve given the working title of NauHaus 2.0, as a nod to our seminal prototype. Still in design development, this project is taking the concept of the original NauHaus in Asheville, NC to a new level of energy-efficiency in the marriage of data-driven design and natural materials.
Perhaps most exciting is the work we are beginning on a small urban infill project that will include more than ten hempcrete homes.
I am also looking forward to the release of my book Hempsteads: Architectural details for hemp-lime construction in 2025.
What challenges can you identify for the hemp building industry that we must overcome?
One of the biggest ongoing hurdles for hempcrete projects has been satisfying the requirements of building departments in the permitting process. The primary concerns of most building officials are usually the fire, flame-spread and insulative properties of the material. While there are several manufacturers and distributors in the US that have now obtained the requisite ASTM certifications- the more of this we have in place the better. The adoption of Appendix BL can help in this process.
The supply chain for hemp hurd is often in flux, but I see that an issue of scale and suspect it will firm up with growing demand.
Contact: Tim Callahan
Email: t.l.callahan@icloud.com