Texas Hemp Building Event Comes to San Marcos Oct. 24-25

Texas Hemp Building Event Comes to San Marcos Oct. 24-25

By Hemp Build School

New 2024 US residential building codes for hemplime (“hempcrete”) will be explained by experts at a special low-cost in-person event for architects, builders and developers in San Marcos, TX in October.

The 2-Day Texas Hemp Building Event: Architect/Builder Training and Tour, Oct. 24-25, offered by Texas-based Hemp Build School, will offer hands-on hempcrete training as well as AIA-CE continuing education credits at the Enchanted Ranch Events Venue in San Marcos. 

Thanks to sponsorship for the USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service and National Industrial Hemp Council, the reduced cost for the 2-day workshop is $99. Students may attend the workshop for $15. 

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IRC Continuing Education Offered

Guest presenters will include Anthony Dente, PE, LEED AP  principal at Berkeley, CA-based Verdant Structural Engineers; Tom Rossmassler, founder of Massachusetts-based HempStone, LLC; Carl Gradek Austin-based contractor and hempcrete specialist; Samuel Alanís founder of  MICROPOZ and others. 

Additionally, participants will attend an optional Open House and tour of the first permitted hempcrete Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU)  in Austin, TX. 

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“This workshop is an introduction to the newly-published IRC 2024 appendix for hemp lime, with instruction from the experts who wrote the new building codes,” said Ray Kaderli, founder of Hemp Build School and president of US Hemp Building Association. “Our goal is to connect the construction markets for hemp building materials with the supply chain.”

In addition, international trade of industrial hemp building materials will be discussed in a panel of international delegates from the Latin American Industrial Hemp Association and the Honduras National Industrial Hemp Association (ANHCA). 

“Architects and developers have been building with hemp lime in Europe for 30 years,” Kaderli said. “We are offering a low-cost introduction to this sustainable building method to bridge the gap for projects in Texas and beyond.”
Register for the event here:  Texas Hemp Building Event: Architect/Builder Training and Tour

Offered as part of a special partnership between USHBA and HempBuildMag. HempBuildMag receives a commission through this arrangement.

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Help Wanted:


Green Builders

Hemp Building Research and Training

Hemp Hurd (shivs)/Hemp Fiber/ Hemp Microfiber

Hempcrete installers/Insulation subcontractors

Lime Binder

Hemp Batt Insulation/Supplies

Hemp Wall Panel Products

Hemp Blocks

Financial Services:

Professional Associations


Hempcrete ADU Plans Released