Hemp Voices: Jerry Lee Chilton, Anishinaabe Agriculture Hemp

Jerry Lee Chilton is executive director for hemp agriculture and construction builder for Anishinaabe Agricultural Institute

What interests me most about hemp is the farming aspect of things growing and seeing the finished product come together. Hempcrete also piques my interests as the construction portion of hemp.

What win was for your company last year? Getting hemp textiles to Patagonia and other hemp growers to form a hemp tool bag for Patagonia. It was great recognizing that White Earth natives and Navaho Indians and South Dakota natives made this bag.  It was a total collaboration effort! I learned by seeing the product through the process. 

Patagonia’s Native-grown hemp tool bag.

What is something about hemp building you didn't know about? Hempcrete spray application and how to use or get these made or general information about this product?

What challenges does the hemp building industry face in the next five years? First thing is education on the hempcreteside of things.  Processing hemp and getting the right grade of hurd and not only that — just growing the hemp and what people should know getting into the market for hemp.

Another challenge is found in the equipment side of the business — finding the right equipment for the job and specialty tools needed. Hemp processing plants are few and far between. On the market side, ohemp bales are down.  Processors are paying less than the cost of a farmers’ bales due to the demand of product. We need more buyers to drive price up to make this thing a success!

Contact Jerry Lee Chilton: jerry-lee@anishinaabeagriculture.com



Hemp Voices: Brittany McKell, HEMPALTA


Hemp Voices: Ken Meyer, Complete Hemp Processing