Hemp Voices: Paul 'River' Richardson, Haven Earth PMA

By Paul “River” Richardson, Co-Founder, Bio-Architect & Trainer at Haven Earth PMA
Hemp offers an incredible opportunity for society to move towards a natural 'back-to-the-land' way of living in harmony with nature. Hemp is initiating a resurgence in agriculture that is inspiring a new generation of farmers and entrepreneurs. After two decades in the mainstream architecture and construction industry internationally, I witnessed the deconstructive aspect of toxic building materials and processes that are major contributors to the poor health of ourselves and the planet. Hemp building materials flip that narrative offering solutions that not only create healthy living environments, but regenerate the soil in the growing cycle. 

Living in a Hemp home is a paradigm shift on what it means to ‘dwell well’, and it is exactly this that interests me most about building with hemp. Hemp homes literally exchange the indoor air (vapor) while regulating the interior ecosystem with minimal need for mechanical inputs. They also address the issue of mold toxication that has become epidemic with more than 50% of houses in America dealing with mold issues and over a quarter of the population at risk for mold-related health issues. 

What was a win for your company in the past year?

Building partnerships with prominent leaders in the industrial hemp space and attracting investors in our Biohouse Modular Hemp Home enterprise has been a big win for us. As a trained architect, it is clear that there is a high demand for designers that understand the specifics and details of building with hemp. In 2023 we plan to continue expanding our team of design professionals, engineers, contractors and craftspeople, with the aim of developing high quality hemp homes that are healthy and look and feel great. 

What is something about hemp building/construction/processing you didn’t know a year ago?

We knew that something special was happening with industrial hemp in Texas and in 2022 decided to establish our Biohouse Modular Hemp Home Business outside Austin to play a prominent role in this emerging market. What we discovered is that we were not alone in our thinking as Texas is on a fast track to become the prominent industrial hemp producer in the country.  State-led initiatives are attracting investors, organizations, growers, and business owners eager to become part of this burgeoning industry. In 2023, our Texas Campus will showcase our modular hemp home designs as well as continue to offer our signature hands-on Hemp Builder Certification program while supporting local efforts for hemp production and processing facilities. 

What challenges does the hemp building industry face that it must overcome in the next five years?

One of the major challenges I see for Hemp is not so much about the industry itself or the mechanisms to make it happen, but rather politics, corporate greed and the emerging greenwashing agendas that put profit over people and the planet. The hemp plant is about regeneration and provides a solution for depressed agricultural areas in need of revitalization as well as a plethora of locally produced products and materials. We believe hemp education and advocacy is a way to bring hemp into the mainstream in a more conscious way and why we offer our hands-on training as well as our online Hemp Builder course as an additional part of our services. We can design beautiful hemp structures, but without a workforce who is going to build them? 

Contact: River Richardson, Haven Earth




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