Hemp Voices: Joel Holton, Gro Enterprises
The biggest attraction of hemp lime for me was its antimicrobial resiliency and how the material can regulate humidity in the built environment.
Hemp Voices: Derek Wolf, Hemp and Block, LLC
I was amazed to learn that hemp can be used to build healthy, comfortable homes, while strengthening our economy and farming industry, and benefit the Earth as a regenerative, carbon-sequestering, high-performance building material. With hemp-lime construction, we can build for legacy; multi-generational homes and buildings that last for centuries.
Hemp Voices: Sarah Stephens, Midwest Hemp Technology
Hemp building materials serve the spaces where we live and work so well. They create environments that are healthy. They contribute to wellness for people who spend time in them.
Hemp Voices, Zach Popp, Sativa Building Systems
I have always been impressed with the performance potential of hemp buildings and the associated impacts on the wellbeing of people.
Hemp Voices: Brittany McKell, HEMPALTA
Hemp is versatile and can be used in many different applications. I am interested in how it outperforms conventional materials while also creating a cleaner, healthier and more ecologically sound future.
Hemp Voices: Ken Meyer, Complete Hemp Processing
It is a large plus that this new growth industry can sustainably help people and the planet for years to come. Farmers can grow hemp in rotation with corn and soybeans, adding diversity to their farming operations and their soil. We can have bio-friendly products such as packaging, plastics, building materials, clothes, protein, and animal bedding.
Hemp Voices: Tom Rossmassler, HempStone, LLC
Hemp’s innate material qualities allow for elegant one stop solutions to building science problems the industry has struggled with for years including, dealing with moisture management, fire rated assemblies, IAQ, net carbon storing solutions, and continuous thermal boundary optimization.
Tim White: Texas Healthy Homes
Hemp has a great potential to become a cost-competitive natural building wall system compared to other natural building wall systems out there. It certainly has a better chance of doing that than most of the other styles of natural building.
Hemp Voices: Paul Seehusen, Prairie PROducers
Exploiting agricultural commodities to capture and store the carbon in a useable fiber with the most incredibly sequestering commodity on this planet is important to Prairie PROducers
Hemp Voices: Paul 'River' Richardson, Haven Earth PMA
Hemp offers an incredible opportunity for society to move towards a natural 'back-to-the-land' way of living in harmony with nature. Hemp is initiating a resurgence in agriculture that is inspiring a new generation of farmers and entrepreneurs.