Hemp Voices: Sergiy "Doctor Hemphouse" Kovalenkov, Hempire
Now with the war I am realizing that my decision to stick with local resources was a correct one. Now we have a local source of hemp and local 100% natural Ukrainian binder. And we are selling exclusivity licenses to interested parties that would like to formulate and produce our binder in other countries.
Hemp Voices: Lori Daytner, Don Processing
I am working to launch an industrial hemp fiber production hub which includes decortication and a HempWood™ facility.
Hemp Voices: Ray Kaderli, Hemp Build Network
I founded Hemp Build Network when I began my effort to build investment residential houses utilizing hemp. Five critical components are necessary for a successful construction project with hemp. Hemp Build Network is a network of professionals and resources that fill all five needs. I connect these resources for clients and for my own projects.
Hemp Voices: Sarah Stephens, Midwest Hemp Technology
By Sarah Stephens, Midwest Hemp Technology
In a first-of-its-kind class offered last semester at Kansas State University, Professor Michael Gibson’s graduate seminar students completed final presentations on building with hempcrete.