Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Tom Rossmassler, HempStone, LLC

Hemp’s innate material qualities allow for elegant one stop solutions to building science problems the industry has struggled with for years including, dealing with moisture management, fire rated assemblies, IAQ, net carbon storing solutions, and continuous thermal boundary optimization.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Tim White: Texas Healthy Homes

Hemp has a great potential to become a cost-competitive natural building wall system compared to other natural building wall systems out there. It certainly has a better chance of doing that than most of the other styles of natural building.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Michael Gibson, Kansas State University

At KSU, I teach environmental systems and design studios; for the last four years, my studios have been focused on designing and building affordable, net-zero housing. I am very interested in the potential of natural materials, particularly low-process-energy materials, to replace petroleum and chemically based materials in our buildings. Hemp is a fascinating material because it can also be grown and processed locally.

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