Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Derek Wolf, Hemp and Block, LLC

I was amazed to learn that hemp can be used to build healthy, comfortable homes, while strengthening our economy and farming industry, and benefit the Earth as a regenerative, carbon-sequestering, high-performance building material. With hemp-lime construction, we can build for legacy; multi-generational homes and buildings that last for centuries.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Jacob Waddell, Hemp Building Institute

The environmental impact of building with natural building materials, including hemp, is potentially huge. These products and their benefits will only be realized if we do the work to increase their utilization.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Justin Loefler, Wyoming Hemp Company

As we witness a decline in traditional forestry and timber mills, I believe that industrial hemp represents a sustainable and innovative alternative for construction and building applications. This aligns with my vision of empowering American farmers to cultivate the materials needed for the future of construction.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Hiroaki “Maharu” Tajima

Hempcrete is a 100% natural material, which came as a shock to me as I have become so used to using industrialized products. And I also learned that our ancestors use hemp in their daily lives and houses.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: James Forbes, Tiger Fiber Hemp

What motivates myself and team Tiger Fiber to pursue the hemp building sector is the ability to help develop a truly sustainable construction industry, as the world looks to build out more new living space to be the largest in the history of humanity over the next 30 years. 

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