Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Angel Romero Jr., Stuc-Go-Crete/RAAX Dryvit, LLC

The most fascinating discovery about hemp I have witnessed is the strong capabilities it has to benefit natural building. Being the VP of the Industrial Hemp Coalition and BuiltForTheFuture, working with hemp has opened my eyes to toxic materials that have been forced on us for many decades.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Brittany McKell, HEMPALTA

Hemp is versatile and can be used in many different applications. I am interested in how it outperforms conventional materials while also creating a cleaner, healthier and more ecologically sound future.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Ken Meyer, Complete Hemp Processing

It is a large plus that this new growth industry can sustainably help people and the planet for years to come. Farmers can grow hemp in rotation with corn and soybeans, adding diversity to their farming operations and their soil.  We can have bio-friendly products such as packaging, plastics, building materials, clothes, protein, and animal bedding.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Tom Rossmassler, HempStone, LLC

Hemp’s innate material qualities allow for elegant one stop solutions to building science problems the industry has struggled with for years including, dealing with moisture management, fire rated assemblies, IAQ, net carbon storing solutions, and continuous thermal boundary optimization.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Tim White: Texas Healthy Homes

Hemp has a great potential to become a cost-competitive natural building wall system compared to other natural building wall systems out there. It certainly has a better chance of doing that than most of the other styles of natural building.

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Hemp Voices Jean Lotus Hemp Voices Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Michael Gibson, Kansas State University

At KSU, I teach environmental systems and design studios; for the last four years, my studios have been focused on designing and building affordable, net-zero housing. I am very interested in the potential of natural materials, particularly low-process-energy materials, to replace petroleum and chemically based materials in our buildings. Hemp is a fascinating material because it can also be grown and processed locally.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Paul 'River' Richardson, Haven Earth PMA

Hemp offers an incredible opportunity for society to move towards a natural 'back-to-the-land' way of living in harmony with nature. Hemp is initiating a resurgence in agriculture that is inspiring a new generation of farmers and entrepreneurs.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Todd File, Graymont

Hemp Building has the potential to be one of the many ways we can change our impact on the environment. I see this as a way to be involved in the potential changes.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Sergiy "Doctor Hemphouse" Kovalenkov, Hempire

Now with the war I am realizing that my decision to stick with local resources was a correct one. Now we have a local source of hemp and local 100% natural Ukrainian binder. And we are selling exclusivity licenses to interested parties that would like to formulate and produce our binder in other countries.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Ray Kaderli, Hemp Build Network

I founded Hemp Build Network when I began my effort to build investment residential houses utilizing hemp. Five critical components are necessary for a successful construction project with hemp. Hemp Build Network is a network of professionals and resources that fill all five needs. I connect these resources for clients and for my own projects.

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Jean Lotus Jean Lotus

Hemp Voices: Sarah Stephens, Midwest Hemp Technology

By Sarah Stephens, Midwest Hemp Technology

In a first-of-its-kind class offered last semester at Kansas State University, Professor Michael Gibson’s graduate seminar students completed final presentations on building with hempcrete.

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